The Importance of Camp Ministry.

Camp Ministry is important. so far I've been to two weeks of camp and had my own children go to several weeks as well. Here is why Camp Ministry is important and why the church I serve invests in it:

I. Changed Lives. Helps people make that important decision of being Followers of Jesus.

II. An extension of the Church. Camp ministry is there to support, and be a resource for the local church.

III. Opportunity. Opportunity to serve, worship, and learn more about Him.

IV. Fellowship. Nothing says living life together like well living life together for a week, weekend with all the fun, food and get togethers.

V. Teaching. goes back to number 4: opportunity learn God's Word, to share God's Word and to be Jesus' hands and feet to the World.

How about you? what would you say is important about Camp ministry? Gone this summer? I have. I look forward to next year to training teens to be those hands and feet of Jessu for the rest of the summer as they in turn become JCs. (Junior counsellors of sorts)

Let's all support the camp - so it can point people to well - Jesus. who is with me?


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